Monthly Archives: February 2018

Distressed, Depressed or At Rest


Corrie-God rest

Praying you continue to be filled with REST in God! ~ Faye

No Words Required

Continuing the theme of spending intentional time WITH God – listening, communing, just being.Communion with God LEngle

Just like friends watching a sunset or fishing buddies spending time together, solitude and silence are part of the joy of being together. We might share some thoughts, we might respond, but watching a sunset for an hour, usually doesn’t include talking every minute. It is the pleasure of JUST BEING together, enjoying each other’s company.

Solitude First 15

May you enjoy the sweet communion and fellowship with God – NO WORDS REQUIRED! ~ Faye

First15 Devotional

Be Filled with God


Solitude Foster

Once again, I hear God telling me to be quiet and enjoy time with Him from so many sources. Our pastor begins his Lent series on Come and Rest Sunday, February 18 (a worship service I co-planned this week). I created banners for church for this series – Be Still and Know that I am God, from Psalm 46:10. My First15 devotional has been focusing this week on hearing God. Continuing reading from Brennan Manning’s The Furious Longing of God had me reviewing John 15:4 – Abide in Me, and I in You. 

So you’d THINK I’d get it that God was encouraging me to spend time with Him, just being in His presence. BUT NO! I enjoyed binge-watching Downton Abbey, read a murder mystery, worked on several good and creative outlets, played games and crafted with my granddaughter …

… However, I didn’t just spend time being WITH God. I didn’t stop and rest in His presence. I kept busy with so many other things, that I kept ignoring His promptings.  Yet God is patient. He continues to love me. He won’t leave me. He desires time with me, but He won’t pressure or walk away from me. He gently and lovingly reminds me to spend time with Him. I don’t mean just in devotions, reading a snip-it from God’s word and then someone else’s take on what He is saying (like this blog), but intentionally spending time WITH God.

Recently my husband and I enjoyed time with friends and new acquaintances for an evening. We talked and ate, and ate and talked for 4-5 hours. We got to know each other a little more during that time. If we had spent 15 minutes together, we’d have barely touched the surface. How much more important is God’s time with us? 

Be Still and Know Ps 46_19 framedThe world can KEEP us busy.  There are always plenty of things to do, many are very good things. But what is better? Spending quality time WITH God. I will be working this week. I will be watching the Olympics. I will spend time with my granddaughter. I will be busy with worship planning, work, and “maybe helping” Rich shovel snow. However, I know God has been encouraging me to find time this week to turn off all the distracts and just enjoy BEING WITH HIM!

Praying you are able to find time to BE WITH GOD this week as well ~ Faye

Carried on Eagle’s Wings


I LOVE the word COVENANT. Basically, the human covenant is an “oath-bound relationship” between two or more parties (i.e., marriage).  The divine covenant is established between God and His people.

There are about 280 references to covenant in the Old Testament and 33 times in the New Testament.

The covenant made between husband and wife before God is meant to be forever. The covenants made between God and His people are to be forever. God keeps His covenant promises with His people ALWAYS!

He is so sincere in His promises that His covenant was given to save each and every one of us.

The old covenant played a vital role in the history of redemption as it showed Israel three things: (1) how they ought to live and worship; (2) their need for a Savior because of their sins; and (3) the grace of God in revealing Himself to them and calling them His “treasured possession.”

The big picture of the covenant of grace, which structures the history of redemption, always maintains the focus on God’s desire to relate to His people, and ultimately to dwell among them and in them. He does this preeminently by His Spirit through His Son, Jesus Christ (Eph. 3:17).   ~ Mark Jones

Praying you can keep God’s covenant and enjoy the blessings of a close relationship with Him ~ Faye
