Category Archives: encourage

Blossoming During Testing

I recently heard my cactus say, “It happened all of the sudden I was being ripped from my cute little, comfortable home. I was tenderly picked up and placed in this big (pretty) place that had fresh dirt, but the walls weren’t carefully surrounding me any more. I felt all alone and unsafe in this new place. I had been really comfortable in my hexagonal 2” pot on the windowsill. Why? Why did my owner have to take me away from my comfy home? Why can’t I fit on the windowsill anymore? Why has all this change happened?”

“Wait! What’s happening? I can stretch.  I can breathe. Ow! Something strange is happening that hasn’t happened in 2 years – oh look … I have … is it really? … I have a beautiful white blossom. I can show off something I’ve hidden deep within because I didn’t have the resources to be able to produce this intricate beauty.”

“I’m glad I surrendered to my caretaker’s hands. Maybe my discomfort was for my best and the caretaker knew what I needed.”

I have had this cute, little, fluffy cactus in a 2” pot for a couple of years.  It sits on my kitchen windowsill and enjoys the sunshine. My plan was to keep it on the windowsill where I could enjoy it. I vaguely remember it blooming once soon after I purchased it.

Well it was definitely outgrowing its pot, making it harder to water; so, transplanting it made the most sense.

A day or two later I checked to make sure it was handling transplant shock and was completely surprised to see a tiny, white, intricate blossom, and the cactus was actually spreading out and beginning to enjoy its new home.

How often am I just like that cactus – I’m happy and content where I am so I keep my lifestyle and environment the same. I take care of the necessities of life and basically just exist doing the same thing. However, in order to grow, God knows I need to struggle, change my “comfort zone”, and give me space to try knew things.

God’s word says – “Beloved, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

I know whenever I go through trials and I lean into what God has to teach me, my faith will grow stronger and I will “blossom” under His tender guidance and care.

Praying you will find a beautiful surprise from God whenever you face trials as well.

God’s blessings ~ Faye

What a Difference 10 Years Makes

10 years ago I was evacuated from my home due to flooding. I sat on the bed at a friend’s home and opened my Bible needing to hear from God that He cared about the desperate situation in my area. My Bible opened to Psalm 29.10 yr anniv 2008 flood

Here’s a little background:  For those not from Eastern Iowa, Cedar Rapids, Palo in 2008, we had the worst flooding ever seen on record.

On Wednesday, June 11, the city completely evacuated all of its 980 citizens. All road access was later cut off, and the city went completely underwater. Around 90% of the structures in the community had damage from water. People were supposed to return to their homes on June 15, but were delayed by hazards such as contamination due to the flood and floating propane tanks. By Tuesday, June 17, it was reported that residents had for the most part returned home to deal with damage. Some buildings were more damaged than others; some had only a flooded basement to deal with, but for others, the water reached up to the first floor level.

On June 13, 2008, the Cedar River crested to its highest level in Cedar Rapids history, 31.12 feet. The previous record reached only 20 feet. The flood waters penetrated 10 square miles or 14 percent of the city. This monumental flood impacted 7,198 parcels, including 5,390 houses, dislocated more than 18,000 residents and damaged 310 City facilities. Just two weeks prior a small town an hour north of where I live was ripped apart by an EF5 tornado.  ~ Cedar Rapids Gazette articles

Well those verses from Psalm 29 have not left me. They talk about “the voice of the Lord splitting cedars” – that was evident in the destruction in Parkersburg. As I read further, I was surrounded by incredible peace when I read, “the Lord is enthroned above the floods.” Ps 29:10a NIV

Things definitely were uncertain and recovery looked impossible. Especially to some of the Palo residents whom I got to know after the flood. They lost their homes, homes of their parents and siblings and children, they lost their income when their businesses were destroyed and they lost their church due to the record flooding. Yet through all the “impossibility” of what was surrounding our small town, God made impossible things happen. Neighbors who didn’t know each other, worked together first to sandbag and then to clean up. Strangers from literally around the world came month after month to help with the rebuilding. Cities and staff worked tirelessly to make reentry into our homes for the clean-up to begin  as soon as possible. Friendships were made. The church rebuilt and added on. Businesses were supported by people from around Iowa who knew they would need additional help to recover. Palo has grown and, despite many losses, has made many improvements as well.

I hope you know and believe in the God of impossibilities, the God who rules over the floods and difficulties in your life. ~ Faye


There Is Hope In the Middle of Great Pain


In the face of such great loss in Sutherland Springs, Texas people wonder how Christians (believers in Jesus Christ) can find hope for the future. These verse from 1 Thessalonians say it all.  1 Thess 4v13-14

If you don’t know Jesus Christ or have the hope given through Him, ask Jesus into your heart. Ask Him to be Lord over your life. Feel free to message me or check out information from Peace Church’s website


Dwell Together in Unity

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God knew when He made us that we would all be different. We are all made uniquely in His image. That means we have hair that is brown, black, blond or red; we have eyes that are blue, brown, green or grey; we are tall or short; big feet or little; and have a round or stick shape.

We also have differing opinions! Just look at all the difficulties around the world and throughout history. We are proud, shy, angry, hurt, quiet, friendly, loving, caring, jealous.  These are things that cause some of our differences.  How we grieve God when we fight over flags, broken relationships, money, things, power and so much more.

God tells us it is better for us when we live together in unity! So brothers and sisters, make it your focus to dwell in unity together, work to love each other deeply, and make getting along together a priority.

May God bless you abundantly as you live for Him ~ Faye

Serve One Another


In the days, weeks, and months ahead there will be many needs following the catastrophic disasters.  Realize that God has given you at least one precious gift you can share with others as they rebuild their lives. Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord, admits they have sinned and believes in God is filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gifts us with a variety of spiritual gifts such as:  hospitality, creative abilities, teaching, knowledge, faith, prophecy and many more. We are to use these spiritual gifts to build up others, help others, and care for each other. However, as 1 Corinthians 13 says, if we do anything for others and we don’t have love, we are nothing. We need to be filled with Christ’s love to help others. Otherwise it is just empty words and actions.  Check out 1 Corinthians 12-14.

1 Peter 4 10

Praying you will be able to offer something from yourselves to those in need in the next days and weeks ahead.  ~ Faye

Slow Down to See God’s Gifts

I love to worship God.  I love to see His glory in His creation.

I saw this beautiful clematis. But it wasn’t until I stopped, moved the camera lens in closer, that I saw the incredible detail.  Why does God take the time to create such beauty, that we too often miss?  God made us to worship and glorify Him. I think God creates incredible beauty for us to find when we slow down and and enjoy the world around us.

I love how some of the other Bible versions tell how to Ascribe Glory to God – Honor, Worship, Give, Praise.

Honor the Lord for the glory of His name.  Worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness.  New Living Translation

Give to the Eternal the glory due His name; worship Him with lavish displays of sacred splendor.  The Voice

Praise the Lord for the glory of His name; worship the Lord because He is holy.  New Century Version

Take some time to spend before the face of God. It is a great time to walk through the park or the woods. Enjoy the flower gardens. Walk down by the creek or lake and look at the rocks and critters.  Our 7-year-old gets this.  Whenever she is over, she spends a long time looking at all the rocks under the deck, looking for fossils. She’s found some incredibly tiny ones.  She was just at a lake and loved finding tiny shells and snails.

One of the best days to do this is on Sunday.  God made the Sabbath for rest, recovery and time to spend enjoying Him. Take some time this coming Sunday to enjoy God’s beautifully unique creation up close and personal.

Praying you can find some time to slow down and enjoy God’s creation ~ Faye

Celebrate Your Weakness!

Whoever thought they would be encouraged to be grateful for being weak?  Recently a godly daughter of God left her earthly home and appeared before Jesus. She received her very own white stone with her specially chosen, unique name.

(Revelation 2:17b – “And I (Jesus) will give to each one (believer) a white stone, and on the stone will be engraved a new name that no one understands except the one who receives it.”)

Yvonne was the epitome of being someone who, though being weaker in her body the past few months, was filled with the immense strength of God.  When you visited with her, planning to encourage and bless her, you left being blessed by her deep love of God. The spirit of God lived in her and radiated from her.

The thing is, Yvonne, didn’t necessarily “take pleasure” in her weakness. There was a lot of pain some days. When we spoke, she shared that she struggled with the idea that at this time of her life she wasn’t able to serve others but had to rely on the service of others. I would reply that she WAS serving God in a completely different way.  She WAS AN ENCOURAGER through her words, smile, and hugs. She would share how God worked in her life and in the lives of others. She was very aware of God working through the prayers of His people. She loved to laugh at the humor in life, always appreciating the gift of Irish blarney. She shared how her 66 years of marriage to Tom were a blessing. Yvonne’s dedication to Tom in his last days was another sign of God’s strength through weakness. She would sing in Tom’s ear in church when his memory was failing. She saw the good in people and didn’t focus on the negative. Yvonne was FILLED with GOD’s STRENGTH.

My life has been so much richer having had Yvonne and Tom in my life.

I pray you will have a wonderful Christian mentor in your life and that you will be filled with the power and strength of God through your lifetime journey ~ Faye


God Cares

I love the beauty of garden flowers. The vibrant colors, the variety, the fragrance are all so inspiring and brighten my mood. I love it when my husband picks up a bouquet of flowers for me to enjoy in the house, especially during the grey winter/spring months. This happened in March, Rich brought me flowers and I enjoyed those beauties for over 2 weeks. I would take pictures every day. I would change the water and prune and care for them to make them last longer. They were a timely blessing because I ended up with a severe case of the flu 2 days later and they were an incredible bright spot and reminder of Rich’s love for me.

Simple flowers – can change lives.

God knows that we pay attention to the beauty of flowers. We also know that they don’t last forever, and when they die we compost them or throw them away. We learn early on that a seed planted in the ground yields a plant when it is watered and the sun shines on it, all orchestrated by God. Yet, as much as God tenderly and lovingly cares for the plants, He wants us to know for certain that He cares for each and every one of us much more than He cares for the plants that are here today and gone tomorrow.

Praying you realize how special you are to God ~ Faye

Be Strong & Courageous!


Ever feel like life is overwhelming? Look at Joshua’s life. He was one of those who went into Canaan to check it out prior to the Israelites settling there. He was one who trusted God would provide when the spies saw the giants in the land. Later Joshua had to lead the Israelites into Canaan – the land of the giants. Yet he was the one who had incredible courage and faith in the Lord.

Praying you are able to have that incredible faith today ~ Faye

A Time for Everything


A time for everything – praise, rejoicing, celebrating, loving, crying, sorrow, concern, care, thinking, acting … and so much more. People are dealing with financial struggles, health issues, facing news of terminal illness, marriage or family relationships, job insecurity and so many other trials. But they are also celebrating babies births, marriages, new puppies, spring around the corner with all the new life, blessings of friendships, family, good jobs. Remember for every season of life – God is there and has gone before you preparing the way for you. Just (a very simple word) – JUST TRUST HIM!

Praying you may rest in God’s promises ~ Faye

Encourage One Another

1-thess-5v11-gabVery simply – spend some time this week to encourage someone, show God’s love to them, thank them for who they are, what they have done for you or someone else.

May God bless you and encourage you as you reach out to someone else ~ Faye