God Is With Us

The other day I was dealing with some difficult memories and was really struggling to “see” or ”feel” God’s presence. Now I KNOW full well that God is ALWAYS with me.  Psalm 16:8 says:

          I know the Lord is always with me.
I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.

AND Hebrews 13:5 says,

          “God will never leave us or forsake us.”

However, I had been struggling with feelings of hopelessness and being overwhelmed by some situations. God’s peace was nowhere to be found in my current state of mind.

I walked through the local park and took many pictures of God’s creation. I sat on a swing and read from His word for a few hours and prayed. I sang, did some sketching and took more pictures. I began to feel at rest in trusting God to handle the situation. However, I still was not filled with JOY and wondered if God really heard my desperate heart. Well as I was pouring out my frustrations, worries and fears to God, He saw fit to remind me that He was there, listening to everything I had been saying.

I was about ten feet from my car when a beautiful Black Swallowtail flew around my face and landed on the flowers in front of me. He stayed there sipping from each little flower of the one plant closest to me. As I moved closer, he just moved to another blossom, but he didn’t fly away – until I took the time to thank God for the reminder that He is always with us. He ALWAYS hears us.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t think the butterfly was God or a form of God. It was just “odd” how it showed up when I hadn’t seen any butterflies for the past half hour and then only a Monarch and a Yellow Swallowtail. As I was telling God how I really felt, this beautiful butterfly shows up and stays right where I am for quite a while. And when I thank God for His loving care, guidance and protection, the butterfly flew away.

I must say, I was abundantly blessed by His reminder of His presence through creation.

Praying you will see and know God’s presence in your life today ~ Faye

Posted on July 31, 2017, in Belonging, God's Blessings, God's Creation, Meditating on God's Word, Providence, Psalms and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Thank you for sharing this moment of knowing God is with you and that He hears everything, always. He can use whatever way He chooses to let us be aware of being in His presence, and a butterfly was just perfect for that moment!

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